Lead Management

Lead Management Plugin will help you to manage leads and customer relationships in an efficient manner. It’s a influential CRM that lets you store customers data and give you insights about overall leads.
Lets’s dive into various sections that this plugin has :

This Plugin has few major components :

  • Lead creation 
  • Assigning leads to groups
  • Allocating status to leads
  • Email Marketing – Individually or group wise.
  • Import Leads
  • Export leads
  • Vast configuration settings

STEP 1 – Adding a new lead is more simple than you think, just enter the details into form and there you have all the leads listed out one after another as seen in image below.

STEP 2 – There are two options available for sending emails to user. An email can be sent individually to users or to a particular group of users.

STEP 3 – Email templates is the most efficient way where a template can be saved for later use. Moreover, You can create as many templates as you want and just insert it wherever you are sending an email.

STEP 4 – For creation of groups – all you have to do is – fill in the name and the slug. You will be able to see all the groups inside lead creation tab. Also, all the groups can be seen as a list inside one of the plugin sub-menu.

STEP 5 – Allocation of Status can be done for every lead so that leads become easy to manage and operate. One can assign leads to one or more than one status fields.

STEP 6 – Are you willing to import leads from a CSV file ? We have this feature embedded in this plugin. You can import as many leads as you want using “Import Leads” submenu in our plugin.

STEP 7 – Exporting leads will give you a CSV file with all the lead details. It’s super easy to export leads and use them as per your requirement.

STEP 8 – This plugin comes with lots of configuration settings to make it more easier to set-up it according to your needs.

STEP 9 – Are you wondering about how will leads get registered in database ? Will it be done manually ? No worries ! We got you covered as you can display a form on front-end using which leads will get themselves registered. Use [w3vlmngt_form] to display a form like below :

Thanks for scrolling. Loved our plugin ? Contact us and we will help you integrate it !